Monday, March 26, 2012

#3 Promo of Tiny Others

     Tiny Others was my first book.  With its story-within-a-story format, it is the most complex, and also the longest one I've written to date. 

     And it's still my favorite.

     This book will be offered in a free promotion by for Kindle owners on two days only; March 30 and 31. 

     I plan to offer each of my seven books like this.  It is a good time to increase your collection.  Pomegranate, Circles in the Wind, and Lucky Alana have already been featured. I hope you took advantage of those introductory offers because they currently sell for either $2.99 or $3.99. 

     Remember, the forest spirits in Tiny Others speak in verse.  It is fun to "mumble read" or even read those parts aloud.

     This link will take you directly to my Author Central page.  It has more information about all seven of my published books:
     Please share information about the Tiny Other's promo with Kindle owners you know.  After my remaining three books have been launched in this way, the opportunity will not come again. 

     And, as always, keep reading...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

#2 Free Kindle Ebook

     Let's celebrate the beginning of this new blog with a free Kindle ebook!

     Lucky Alana by Lynda may be downloaded only to Kindles from, but I am offering it to everyone as a free promotion on March 19 and 20.  It is available at other times for $3.99, and may be purchased and read with Kindle Apps on your PC, Mac, Android-based device, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, and iPad as well as the Kindle.

     Please pass this information along to friends, teachers, and family members.

     Then settle down to enjoy Alana!  (Strangest thing though, she's not as "lucky" as she thinks she is!)

     ...And I promised you a list of readers for the ebooks, didn't I?

     The following site not only lists the many devices, but offers reviews of each.  Just click on the link.

     I came across this information with Google when I typed "compare E readers" in the search window.  You can do the same if you want to research the subject more carefully before making a decision to buy one.

Next time:  Where to find free classics ebooks for kids.

Friday, March 16, 2012

#1 Welcome

     My interest in reading ebooks and publishing them for kids began last April when my family gave me this Keyboard Kindle and a fancy red leather cover for my birthday. 

     Yes, the light is built into the cover!

     Since then, I have published seven illustrated Kindle ebooks for kids on  I also received a Kindle Fire for Christmas.  My illustrations are in full color, so the Kindle Fire is wonderful!

     But my stories are not just available for Kindle Readers.  They may also be read on your regular PC, Mac, iPhones, iPod Touch, Blackberry, iPad, or Android-based device.  All you need is a Kindle App from Amazon.

     And there are many other kinds of ebook readers available. 

     I will discuss them on my next post. 

     Watch for it on !